
找好朋友一起开公司靠谱吗?Is it reliable to find good friends to start a company together?


In the movie "Chinese Partner" based on the three founders of New Oriental, Tong Dawei, who plays Wang Yang, once said a very heartfelt sentence: "Don't start a company with your best friend!"



There is also a popular joke on the Internet: "Partnership with good friends lasts for one year, prosperity for two years and dissolution for three years". Is this really the case? If this is your first start-up, can you find a good friend to partner with?

“刘关张”的创业故事 Startup Stories of Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei


Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei first became brothers in Taoyuan and then started their careers. They became sworn in 184 A.D. and then started an army to attack the yellow turban insurrectionary army. By 214 A.D., they entered Shu and established his own stable territory. For 30 years, he had been fighting everywhere and had no base.



In Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei 's entrepreneurial story, the turning point appeared in Sangumaolu in 207 A.D., for which Zhuge Liang established the strategy of Longzhong to divide the three parts of the world. But from 184 to 207, for 23 years, Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei worked together for 23 years without a clear strategy. What made them persist? It's probably the most sincere trust.


Therefore, starting a business is an adventure game. It involves not only the immediate survival but also the endless survival. In the stage of partnership, you just need to find friends, even if they are not your best friends, they are also your familiar friends. Even if you are not a friend, you should try your best to turn your partner into a friend.


According to the blue book of China's private enterprise development report compiled by the National Federation of Industry and Commerce, in China, the average life cycle of small and medium-sized enterprises is 2.9 years. It can be seen that starting a business is an irreversible path. Besides paying for resources, the founder has to use all his personal trust as collateral, and then he has to pay a lot of time and energy. If he does not trust each other, how can he accompany you on this irreversible path?

人际信任是创业初期的关键 Interpersonal trust is the key in the initial stage of starting a business


The unity of an enterprise depends on cohesion, and the core of this cohesion is the original entrepreneurial team or, more simply and roughly, the personality charm of one or two entrepreneurial bosses. In the initial stage, what should be done most is to establish the team's interpersonal trust in the boss, establish the boss's personal identity, and improve the efficiency of the organization to seize the market. Looking back at the successful enterprises in the end, there is at least one convincing leader who has made a great deal of promises in the initial stage.


Many partners put too much emphasis on regulations at the beginning, which is actually putting the cart before the horse, because for the inside of the enterprise, personnel and structure need to be adjusted, for the outside, cooperation channels and customers need to be adjusted, too strong principle is easy to get stuck frequently in communication. But isn't the rule system important? No, the system is very important, and it must be in place from the very beginning. Otherwise, without rules, there would be no countryside. However, "interpersonal trust" and "system trust" have different degrees of importance in different stages of enterprise development.



From a person, to a partnership to set up a limited company, to a joint-stock company that develops into a public offering, it is a continuous spectrum that a person gradually decreases from "interpersonal trust" to "institutional trust".


For example, when working alone, an individual is like riding a bicycle, riding on his own legs, and his will decides everything. Being a partnership is like driving a car. You can't mess around. You must make driving rules and obey traffic rules. At the stage of joint-stock company, it is like a driverless car, relying on perfect system and precise algorithm to make enterprise machines run.


Therefore, the core of maintaining a start-up company is trust, and there is a foundation of innate trust among friends. For the development of the company, it is still necessary to continuously increase the mutual trust between the teams on the basis of trust and confidence. This trust must include both interpersonal trust and institutional trust, but the emphasis ratio of interpersonal trust and institutional trust is different at different stages of development.

初创者的AIV模型 The AIV model of startups


Management experts have analyzed over 1,000 start-ups and concluded an "AIV model". As long as partners conform to this model, the possibility of successful start-ups will be greatly improved. What is an AIV model?

  • A:Affection,情感连接;

Affection,Emotional connection;

  • I:Identification,彼此的认同感;

Identification,Mutual recognition;

  • V:Value,能贡献的价值

Value,Valuable contribution


1. Affection


Finding good friends, college roommates and acquaintances to start a business together will satisfy the "A" on the first floor, because you either get along for a long time and get to know each other, or get along for a short time but feel the same as before, and your values and world outlook are very consistent. Either way, the emotional connection has already been completed.

2. Identification


However, only emotional connection is not enough. It also depends on whether they agree with each other, whether they can respect each other, whether the two sides agree on the values, goals and management concepts of their careers, and whether they agree on the handling methods of things and problems. Another basis for judgment is to see what assets the other party can "mortgage" for this venture?


For example, some people choose to start a full-time business and mortgage all their time. Some people mortgage their wallets. Starting a business partnership is like a hero going to Liangshan to accept warlords. It is not far away for a partner to come out without mortgage. The so-called "only by paying money can one make peace with one's heart" is the truth. No one will cherish the shares he takes for nothing.


3. Value


The third level is value contribution. Since it is a start-up, there will certainly not be many partners. Everyone must contribute unique values. Moreover, the values should be complementary to each other, and resources, abilities and personalities should be complementary to each other. Starting a business will encounter troubles every day, because the purpose of starting a business is to solve troubles, and finding complementary partners can analyze and solve problems from multiple angles.



Should we start a company with good friends? First of all, we should compare the AIV model and put friendship and interests in a regular cage after finding the right partner according to the model. Teacher Xu Xiaoping, who is the prototype of the story of "Chinese Partner", said: "Do not pursue common interests with brotherly feelings, but pursue brotherly feelings with common interests." Therefore, there is no problem in starting a company with good friends, because they have emotional connection with each other, and also have a sense of identity, and also confirm the value each other can contribute, which can increase the success rate of starting a business.

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